Friday, January 19, 2007

Noa's progress report

I have finished 90% of this Noa costume!!!! All I need to do is find the jewelry (which I need for my ballgown, too), edge the sarong-thing, and modify some sandals. I keep looking at it in my closet thinking, 'Is that really done?" Of course, that doesn't mean that I can take a break >sigh< I'm just pumped that I'm done with a costume BEFORE April!!!! Now I have, what, four more? No rest for the weary.
Anyway, my next free weekend is going to be March 17th to the 18th. However, my time will be limited to Sat. morning until Sun. at 1pm because I have class that following Monday as well as an internship that could start my day off at about 5:30am, yay. Candice, I know you want to come for an impromptu sewing weekend, Eliza needs to return because I have all her stuff (bring your mom's sewing machine!), & anyone else who wants to come, you know where I live. Just give me some advance warning if you're going to come so that the house can be cleaned to accomodate the appropriate number of people. Yep, let me know...

I think that's it, I'll post again if I think of something else!! Oh, duh, school stinks! I need a job that does not require homework (I know, wrong profession for me to be getting into >eye roll<).

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