Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Noa's progress report II

I look like crap in this photo, but all we're really looking at is the costume. I need more time (& someone who knows what she's doing, help me Candice, with my hair), to make myself look like Noa. I also have to find some hair extensions to make the braids. I'll post more when I get it done.

My proudest accomplishment is the jewelry. The gold necklaces are actually those chemical light-up necklaces, you know the ones that you have to bend & snap for them to glow? And the bracelets are plastic bangles I got at wal-mart and I just spray painted them. The other necklace is a painted red wooden bead (it was blue) with two glass gold beads on either end to weight it down.

I was supposed to be wearing my tatami flip-flops, but I forgot & I'm not putting that costume on again, until AB! Well, how're everyone else's costumes? We have Lyndsey's to look at (see link to the side marked "Kiarrens Cosplay"), but what about everyone else? I just took photos of Jenna's kimono on Saturday (why don't I see them posted here, Jenna????), so everyone's going to want to see that, it looks so good, especially on you, Jenna!

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