Tuesday, March 06, 2007

To clear things up...

Just so everyone knows, I'm hosting the sewing weekend on THIS Sunday March 11th and Monday March 12th. Whoever can come is more than welcome and I look forward to seeing Eliza because my sewing machine is calling out to her. Anyway, e-mail me or reply to this post if you are coming, just so I know & let me know if you are sleeping over. I'll talk to you all later!

P.S. I wish you could come Lauren! But we'll take photos for you and don't worry, just experiencing a weekend of our craziness will tide you over until 2008!

Note: The way I count down the days is by substantial sewing days, meaning I don't count Thursday April 19th because that is a traveling day. So day #1 is the 18th, I'll probably be up all night finishing some costume >eye roll<.


Blogger Lauren said...

Hehe! I wish I could be there too! :) I am so excited to hang with you guys in about a month! (^^) Have fun this weekend!!!

Wed Mar 07, 11:54:00 AM EST  

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