Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Squid says 'hi'

I have finally decided that I am definitely going to bring the 'Squid'(octopus) to AB '07. I wonder how many people will let me take a photo of them holding it... That's right, it's an 'it' because we never really decided on a gender for it. But yes, it has been helping me sew (or rather look at longingly, because I want to sew) my remaining projects. They sit pathetically on my trunk in paper bags waiting to be finished (well, one is Eliza's, so that makes me feel a tiny bit better). I haven't even started on my ball gown yet. How is everyone else's? Sara did you finish yours? I really want to see it & you have to let me know what it was like sewing that sheer(sp?) organza-like stuff. I have never sewed it for real and I'm just curious. But I cannot wait to see what your dress looks like.

I have also been thinking about the logistics of the weekend and well, it gets complicated, expect an e-mail from me real soon, girls. Another thing, is everyone going to have a cell phone this year? We're going to have to send an e-mail around with phone numbers as it gets closer to make sure everyone is current. I think only Lyndsey has your number Laura, but we'll send an e-mail around so that we can plug you into our phonebooks because that is really the only way we were able to find one another last year. It gets pretty crowded.

Another thing, I'm having trouble with jewelry for Noa. I have the bracelets (no problem there) but I am having trouble finding necklaces like the ones she wears (the gold ones that look like the bracelets). I was pretty lucky with the bracelets, I bought a 10 pack of black plastic bangles at Wal-Mart and spray painted them gold. They look awesome, I was thinking of all sorts of complicated situations where I would wrap fabric around one of my bangles that I already was going to be a mess, but these look great! Wait 'til you guys see them! I'm pretty proud of my find. Now I just need some plastic necklaces like the bracelets. I'm going to look at one of those jewelry stores in the Mall (Claire's or something) to see if I can find something, but I'm just worried about finding something. Also, Noa doesn't wear the jewelry with her white dress...should I still wear the darn things?

The Squid says I talk too much. I think I do because whenever I post in the AB forums, my post doesn't look that long as I type it out, but when I post, it's gargantuan!!! My posts here are too long as well. But I prefer this to phone conversations because I can think things through before I speak.

Oh, as for the next sewing weekend (March 17-18) I don't think I'm going to do those dates because I was mainly doing the 2nd sewing weekend for Candice and she would prefer not to make waves at work (with the way things are going, I don't blame you Candice, I'd be walking on glass and burning with rage if I were you, I probably would have been so fired by now), so it's going to be March 11-12th (Sun-Mon) because those are Candice's traditional days off. I would really like it if at least Eliza came over on Sunday (hint, hint), but anyone else is more than welcome to come and you can come early Sunday morning! You can stay on Monday as well, but I understand that other people have work that day. That's my vacation week, so I do not have class that night.

Anyway, the Squid is looking forward to meeting you Laura (heh heh), and I don't think it met you officially Rachel. Well, we shall all get cozy by the end of the weekend. BTW, the squid likes the blog and AMVs. Talk to you later girls!!!


Blogger mustangannie666 said...

You know what I love most about the Squid? It's eyes. I don't know why, but just those crazy creepy little eyes are what make it so funny!

Fri Feb 02, 10:49:00 PM EST  

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