Sunday, September 09, 2007

"Mustang Approved Mini-skirt"

I just think this is the most hysterical "award" I have ever heard of. Thanks to Brent (a.k.a. Shadowblaze) for starting this. See, it's his fault! For those girls who wear mini-skirts at Anime Boston, beware! There is a Roy Mustang (FMA) out there who is checking you out and may give you one of these highly coveted ribbons! AAAA! BAKA, PERVERT! >slap<

I actually made this from a pair of kid's capris that I got at Wal-mart for $3. I'm glad it was so tight otherwise it would have ridden up and showed the entire Masquerade audience my underwear! However, it was not very comfortable.

The ONLY reason why I wore this was for you and your skit Lyndsey! I won't even ask if you appreciate it...I'll just look at the award we won. And contrary to your video on YouTube, I am not a size 1...I'm fatter than that, I think it was a kid's size 16 or 18, I have some pretty bodacious hips.

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