Friday, June 29, 2007

AB '08 Update

WHERE HAS EVERYONE BEEN?!?!? Jeez, it's like we all just fell off the face of the earth! I've only posted birthdays the past couple of months. Slacker.

Anyway, I've pretty much decided that I'm going to cosplay as a sexy Gowery or "Miss La La" for my Slayers costume. I don't know what I'm going to do for the Kingdom Hearts cosplay, I may have to put it off for another year >sigh< But I have a back up (well, a couple) and they're cheaper than the wonderflex for my brother. I still want him to come with us though.

Well, let's get it together people! I also want reports from our out of AB correspondants! (i.e. PortCon, ConnectiCon, etc.) I want to know what happens at other Con's!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo yo! I just uploaded the Saturday footage.
Check it out! :D

As for 08, I'm going to start working on costumes n stuff as soon as I get AB07 paid off. lol...

Sun Jul 01, 04:56:00 PM EDT  
Blogger mustangannie666 said...

Oh-my-gawd! That was awesome! I love the last two videos and the preview for Otakon! I CANNOT wait for that! Yay Lyndsey!

Sun Jul 01, 11:47:00 PM EDT  

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