Tuesday, April 03, 2007


(Ignore the date on that sign.)

This is it girls (& guys who are coming)! Unless there is an emergency note (which I would e-mail anyway), this is my last informational post until after AB’07! I will probably post little cosplay details, but not anything like my previous HUGE e-mail’s & posts! I hope that you have all received the e-mail from me and I hope that it is satisfactory for organizing the trip down there. Let’s just all keep in touch on that Thursday as we are traveling down to Boston. If you did not get the e-mail or have since deleted it & don’t remember a thing, I have it saved on my computer & I can send it again.

I’m sorry, but unless you come over after 9p on Wednesday you cannot sleep over, I have class that night & possibly my internship during the day. Although, Jenna, do you want to come over? It’ll be late, but I can pick you up on my way home from school and we can figure out how to drop you off when we get back, interested? Like I said, it really depends on if I have my internship that day, otherwise I will go to the day version of my night class and get out at like 3p. I will let more people know about that as the time comes, especially you, Candice because you asked. Sara, if you want to come over that night you can join the slumber party, too. But, it all really depends on the internship. I need those three credits & my youngest sister’s advice on how to pass classes does not help. I will e-mail or call you guys no later than the evening of Sunday April 15th. If you do not hear from me, that means no slumber party.

As I said in the e-mail….
WE NEED A GROUP PHOTO THIS YEAR!!!! I want to take one of all of us in the Sheraton lobby on Thursday night after we get our badges!!! We have no full group photos from the previous four years! My tripod is coming with us!


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